Oct 16, 2009

Garage sign POP

Some days change radically, and sometimes your workschedule to!

Like today! I planed to work on a customer painting, and then suddenly I get this idea.... I need gasoline signs on my new garage door...
The fastest way to get something like that, is to paint them. So I go out and find some plywood, and start painting. While I´m working on the signs I think of the last post I made (below: Warhol og Jagger) and then it hits me.... my garage signs are gone POP art style....

Well - why not! Always like Pop art

The Mobilgas SPECIAL - AEROSHELL, POP art garage-signs in the fantastic Palma Nova showroom.

The piece are up 4 $ALE.
price on request.
Please contact cay@caybroendum.com


  1. COOLER than the beer i'm drinking right now..!!!

  2. Always good with a beer - cool or not! Thanks man

  3. There was a Mobile Pegasus collaboration by Warhol/Basquiat at one time I believe. Saw it in a movie but have been unable to find a print.

  4. never seen the Warhol/Basquiat you refering to, but know to their cooperation. I´v seen a huge painting with the Mobile Pegasus and a lot of other items as well by James Rosenquise, very cool. Think The Pegasus in one way or another always has been a popular motive among artists. But personally I prefer the one with gasoline in the blood.....

  5. Simply great as always, Cay!
