Nov 24, 2011

Jump they say!

Man does not control his own fate -

The women in his life do that for him.

Quote: Groucho Marx

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving painting by Jean Gerome Ferris (1863-1930)

Thanksgiving is a U.S. holiday, And here in Denmark "The fairytale country up north"
officially we don´t celebrate Thanksgiving, unfortunately..

When i see the visitor list for this blog here in Nov.
I celebrate - with you my friends over there.

Happy thanksgiving to all of you visitors out there, and thank you all for visiting and supporting my Spare Time Blog.



3 Photos: Center of Copenhagen yesterday (Kings Garden) by Cay.

Nov 22, 2011

Goin´to the Alps!

Unfortunately it´s not me that's going to the Alps this time,

but my latest painting is..... It found its new home in the Swiss Alps.

Damn... My paintings are luckier than I am....

(This photo is from my studio)

Close up from the painting.

Oil and Acrylic on Canvas.

NOTE: This painting was made on request.

If you have any inquiries, comments or interest in paintings like this.
Please contact:

Studio - Copenhagen - DK

More Art by Cay HERE

Nov 19, 2011

Just below my Skin

But who's dreaming, this is win or loose -

Put down the drink, try not to think -

Let it go, fundamental movement below,
And yo -

reality is dreaming -

Just below my skin I'm screaming...

Lyrics: Salva Mea by Faithless

Nov 18, 2011

Where you are Heading.

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”

Quote: Lao Tzu quotes

Nov 12, 2011

Never Sleep

From my scrapbook

Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.

Quote: Sigmund Freud

Nov 8, 2011

Shake it Away -

Hold your Fire...Hold your Fire

Turn up your speakers - and press play below.

Keep a eye on those moves, you might learn something there...
It´s just great.

Shake it away Tina.