Aug 31, 2009

The race is on!

The weekend is over, and the race is on -

This is the first layers of paint, on latest art project. A Race Car painting for my good friends at Palma Nova Moto.

Fasten your seat belt - hold your breath....

Aug 27, 2009

The T-shirt.

Honestly! - It´s been a decade since I´ve designed graphic for a T-shirt.
But now the underground is roumbling again, what will happe next...... uhhh - cliff hanger.

The 1th & The One has Landed....

New Official Wrenchmonkees Apparel - 4 you!

The breeding site

No Doubt! - I think it´s fun to present a new painting i the middel of What it´s all About. And will my painting absorb some gasoline vapors in the Wrenchmonkees workshop - it´s even better...

The painting Wrenchmonkees ( the workshop) is size: H150 xW200 cm. Painted with Acrylic & Oil on canvas.
The Painting are up 4 $ALE.

Please contact:
or visit my official website

Aug 26, 2009

New Workshop

The KillerBobbers Garage Cph has got a second workshop, a necessary expand to meet the constant working and creating bike team.

Wedensday meet - Kick a Tire, Drink a Beer.

Aug 25, 2009

Skateboarding in Australia

Sometimes when you look through old boxes to find something you think you might have - you find something you forgot you had!

A discovery like that can sometime make you very happy, and then you forget what you were looking for in the first place....

Take forexample this old skateboard. It was my transportation when I lived i Surfers Paradise Australia for a while. I remember I did the freehand illustrations after a good day on the beach and a couple of beers... Then the beers took over and it was never finished. Good time - Good fun - Great Place, Down Under...

Aug 23, 2009

Wrenchmonkees Motorcycle Apparel

There´s been a lot of talking, speculation and rumors.
When, Where and Why.

IT`S HERE - and IT`S for YOU

Official Wrenchmonkees Motorcycle Apparel (The 1th edition)
Yes Yes Yes - must have - must have....
purchase from the Wrenchmonkees webshop.

Graphic by: CayBroendum & The Wrenchmonkees


The Gorilla Punch Bike (by the Wrenchmonkees) will participate ROJO art exhibition in Barcelona very soon, this will definitely be a fantastic event.

We follow up here in Copenhagen with a new huge Wrenchmonkees painting by - Guess Who!...

Yes - Me, myself & I.

In the new painting you will see the working process of Gorilla Punch bike, the fantastic "Husqvarna" Sportster etc.

The painting (w200 x h150 cm) will be up for display, together with the new coming WM T-shirt collection, all next week.

And the best thing! -
The loving pieces will all be up 4 $ale...So keep an eye out!

Aug 21, 2009


Sure thing! It´s on with the sunglasses, and down to the beach....

Great Chop, Cool Tee, Nice style.

Aug 18, 2009

The Quentin Tarantino painting

After posting the photos below, it strucked my mind that I after the premiere of Quentin Tarantino´s Death Proof movie (and that´s a while ago...) emidiatly started this painting.

Unfortunately some other painting came in its way, and it was rolled together.
I totally forgot about it until today... Maybe it´s worth finishing!?

Sweet Curves

Sweet curves and great colors, Oh yeah - I mounted a naked Soma Major Taylor drop bar on this project.

Aug 13, 2009

Paint, Eat, sleep - Repeat

A look into my Atelier - and the Wrenchmonkees Workshop!

The inspiration for this new painting is: Work in the Wrenchmonkees Workshop.
You will properly see this painting again when it´s done.
And maybe if you visit the Wrenchmonkees showroom Copenhagen this autumn...

Aug 10, 2009

Still Chilling -

Look like this guy also enjoy some good company in the sun.

The Pan-Shovel Look Book - Autumn/Winter 09.

This is a snacks for all your bike lovers out there - Be ready to Change!

This season we are going Dirty, Disc & High....

Aug 6, 2009

The Eagle gastank

I just chosen this Sportster Eagle graphic to be one of the, Coolest, most Rad, best looking tank graphics I have seen for a long time.

If anybody has one of these tanks please send me some more detailed photo. I ´m so
curious to get a closer look!

Thanks to Nice MC Japan for these Pics.

And here we go - thanks to Nex for the Picture.