Dec 31, 2009

Happy 10 to every 1

Cheers & Happy 10 to every one.

May the hangover be sweet, the girl nice, the weather good -
and may the bike start at first kick..


Dec 27, 2009


Waiting for the big check The Sun Shine, and a New Year to come -
and everything that comes along with it...

Meanwhile in the Bat Cave -

For the look & For the fun of it

There´s just nothing like a good Mog-up.
It´s contemporary, it makes me happy, it makes thoughts fly - everything is possible...

Dec 24, 2009

Merry Merry Christmas to You

May you all have a peaceful Christmas - under the green Bobber tree.

(HD 45" Bobber Christmas tree collage by Cay)

Dec 23, 2009

Springer Christmas Mog Up.

Welded this Springer fork/Mug-Up from some left overs in the metal container. Mounted some Hydra raisers ,and a set of springs for the look.
Hopefully I´ll get some more work done over Christmas.

Dec 22, 2009

Hang me in a tree....

If these VW Christmas Ball Buses come in different colors i would like one of each please!

American artist Lars-Erik Fisk made this insane awesome VW bus ball sculpture - this is cooler than Christmas....

Dec 21, 2009

Painting in progress -

Just a little detail work and this latest painting are ready.

Dec 18, 2009

COP 15

Thanks to everyone who joined the Cop 15 Climate Conference, and all you who visited our small town Copenhagen this December.

I´v made this small graphic for you, and together with a Socrates quate it will this be my contribution to the Cop 15.

Man must rise above the Earth -
to the top of the atmosphere and beyond -
for only thus will he fully understand the world which he lives.
-- Socrates.

More Art work

Made a couple of new illustration.

My good friend Morten´s Old Panhead Bobber.

Freestyle Knuc Buddy Bobber

Dec 16, 2009

Oh no - not again....

This year I´ll skip the perceptive words -

and right only - I wish for a Motorcycle.... With hi handlebar if possible...

Dec 10, 2009

Wish list:

To whom it may concern / Santa...

Buddyseat with stars, schirts and everything, and a set of chorme 50th wheel discs.

and a 3,2,1 Linkert setup.

That would be all!

Dec 5, 2009

Sweet wheel o´ mine...

In Bobber-world, I believe this i as good as it gets....

Star-Hubs, Chrome-spokes and Firestones... 500x16" Deluxe Champion on classic HD 16x3" & 16x4" rims.

Sweet Sweet -

Sweet wheel o´ mine...

Flat and square

Okay - it´s the Christmas month - No shit! Sherlock...

And a good friend of mine who´s an artist, told me that she was creating some Christmas decorations for her art shop. We spoke a little back and forth about cool color for a Christmas tree - end ended up with the idea that it could be fun to paint some Christmas balls for her shop.

But they had to be a little different - for sure... so we agreed to make them flat and square.....

Rikke brush painted the base color on 10x10 cm plywood pieces, and I joined in with a cut out Stencil and some rattle cans.

Always fun with a psychedlic Christmas projects like that.. next time we need some more red wine to spiff up the toxic fumes...

So now we got flat and square Christmas balls for everybody, this Christmas....

Dec 2, 2009

Nov 28, 2009

Isle of Man 1979

My good friend Søren dropped by with this awesome Ducati 900SS.

It appears to be the legend John Oldfield old race bike. He drove this piece of machinery in the Isle of Man Challenge of june 1979. - pretty cool I think.

The Duc`s in perfect condition, it just needed a little driver tag on the sheild.
So I stir some paint and made some classic hand lettering.

and a couple of hand painted logos on the rear.

Dellorto carb and Campagnolo rims etc. ect.
more info about the Ducati here.

Look forward to see that one hammer down the road this spring...

Nov 22, 2009

Motorcycle Art

This is a seria of Motor cycle Art that I´m Working on.

Found a bunch of old papers from the 1960.
They are German instruction for some kind of Industrial machinery.
The instructions papers are interesting and all tell something different.
The machine they tell us about are all gone, and so are the old danish company where i found the papers in a ruin (Dansk Soyakagefabrik A/s) 1918-1991)

Now the papers will have a different use. They are becoming small art piecesmade the old style way - Ink, prush and watercolor.

Interested in artwork like this!

Check out what´s up for sale:  HERE

NOTE: I send worldwide
