Feb 28, 2013

24 HRS - For Everybody.

Had the privilege to design this new Logo for the Copenhagen based Watch Dealer. CHRONO.dk

A very good thing about designing a logo is actually that it also express, that some people out there are starting up a new business.
I really like that thought and to be a part of it.

If you like nice watches and vintage collectors pieces take a look at Thomas site. more HERE

I can only recommend.

Feb 25, 2013

Feb 23, 2013

Painting for The Boys

 KillerBobbers garage made Logo by Cay. Freehand

Work in progress -

More work in progress...

Feb 17, 2013


Had the privilege to design the logo for the new "Garage Made" Coffee shop - ENGHAVE KAFFE. Here in Copenhagen.

But we went a little further than that....

A plane white Bar front was to tempting -

 Since the 3 owners are my good friends, and all Indian bike riding KilllerBobbers. It wasn´t hard to convince them with this motif...

A very very difficult motif - for me to get tired of painting...

 Finished work Indian (1928) 7,6,5,4,3,2 and size 1:1

se more of the painting process, and visit ENGHAVE KAFFE on FB.HERE

Feb 4, 2013

3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes...

 I´m preparing for a coming gas-tank paint job for an Italian customer.  (pic. Cay freehand striping)

Going through the archives, some fantastic gas tank pics. show up.

I havn´t painted these taks attached - unfortunately, but they are all on my absolute favorite list. And a huge inspiration.

Just fantastic, artistic and creative work. Love em´

Hope this will inspire you as well - Make your bike a little more colorful this year ;-)...

There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes;
its what we do with them that's important.

Quote: Jim Rohn