Jan 26, 2010

Jaguar SUPER 5

Not so many people are aware of Jaguar XJS interior
fits like a glove, in a Renault Super 5...

But it does!
And why do I know this kind of unimportant information concerning 2 cars from the 80th that most people happily forgotten all about....

Well! - I needed some new seats for my Renault 5 you see here -
and why not use a little "cat" skin to make it more cozy....

Now i just need to change the radio into a fireplace...


  1. Incredible !! you own a french car ?? ;-)
    This similarity with the Jaguar is incrdible too !!

  2. Thanks Josh. I had a classic XJ Jaguar once, but must say the Renault Super 5 is mush better working in the city... so I like this combi a lot
